So I turned 25…

10 04 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter filled with love, laughter, happiness… and chocolate… or whatever šŸ˜‰

Our weekend started off with a near-literal bang. My Significant Other’s car gave problems on Thursday, thus necessitating that (a) he take it in to be looked at, and (b) I work from home. Not the worst thing to happen… although we then found out they’d be ordering the new parts for his car after Easter weekend, and that the parts would only arrive on Thursday *huff*

But despite being carless for two days, a bit of family ‘drama’, borrowing my brother-in-law’s noisy little Golf from Saturday to Monday (and much, muchĀ more!), we managed to have a great weekend.

When it was just after midnight and ‘officially’ my birthday, Smudgy woke me up about 6 or 8 times. I think she was grumpy/frustrated that it was cold and wet outside and she didn’t know what to do about it since she obviously really wanted to be outside, but I’d like to think that she was being affectionate and excited about my birthday.

Here’s a basic rundown of my day: lemon & poppyseed muffin (sans candles, sinceĀ my Significant OtherĀ couldn’t find any) plus a warm mug of tea in bed; a visit from my parentals and younger sister Addy, with gifts and a suprise; tea, cupcakes and gift opening; lunch at Ocean basket with my Significant Other, parentals and sis; curling up on the sofa under a blanket with my Significant Other and watching series;Ā dinner at theĀ HildebrandĀ (V&A Waterfront) – so fancy and romantic šŸ˜‰

Exquisite orange roses from my Sweetheart

Lindt chocolate bunny! This little guy has been in the kitchen cupboard for a few weeks already

Pretty little forks to aid in the cosumption of treats

Smudgy was trying to escape/go outside when I snatched her up for a photo with her mommy

Addy baked birthday cupcakes! I had to assemble the stand myself - it was part of the 'fun'

Addy & the parentals baked me a super awesome Scooby-Doo birthday cake! šŸ˜€

All my gifts assembled on the livingroom table

Sushi for two: my Significant Other and I decided to share a Rising Sun sushi platter and added extra salmon roses & rainbow rolls. Mmm, sushi...

Such a happy couple! Ready to head out for dinner

Here Smudgy's more accepting of having her picture taken. She even struck a pose for the camera! Isn't she just the loveliest little thing?

Taking a nap on daddy's jeans after we arrived home ā¤

PS: Did I mention that we went to watch THE HUNGER GAMES last night??! *happy dance*

Bling it on: some (pretty) gift ideas

2 04 2012

Hullo readers!

Did you all have a good weekend? Have fun? Take time to relax? Do something for yourself or others? Whether it was leisure time or tending to admin/ cleaning/ humdrum activities, I hope that you’re all ready for the new week… and a new month.

So myĀ birthday is coming up on Sunday. I’m still not sure exactly what we’ll be doing, although (1) I’d really love a birthday cake/cupcake/some sort of confectionary with a candle stuck in it and (2) a cup of tea to start my morning off with… even though I know I’m usually up before my Significant Other and will thus end up making my own tea šŸ˜‰

Birthdays are a great occasion to show your appreciation for special people in your life, which is why I love buying gifts (in general). The only ‘worrying’ factor when it comes to birthdays is deciding on what to get the other person. Gift cards come in handy, but it’s nice to know what that person’s interests are so that you can buy something the recipient will be genuinely pleased to receive.

That being the case, I’ve decided to share some trinkets that someone such as myself would love to receive:

I enjoy baking, which is why this bracelet *cue lame pun* is CHARM-ing

Not sure if this ring will ward off kitchen disasters or if it'd serve as a bad omen/ warning...

Nothing says 'domestic goddess' like wearing a bottle of cleaning liquid around your neck

Bring out your inner sexy librarian/ hipster with this ring

Some days you cannot help wishing for a bit of immortality... Harry Potter readers will recognize this as the sign of the Deathly Hallows

More Harry Potter love with the trademark lightning bolt scar ā¤

Last Harry Potter pic: golden snitch bracelet

While I wait for THE HUNGER GAMES film to be released here in SA, these earrings can help to psyche me up some more

The couple who builds/plays together, stays together! I'm pretty sure my husband would want to turn it into another gadget by adding some buttons and switches...

These earrings are the closest I'll ever get to being a (mad) scientist

Gifts for a cat lover

28 03 2012

Morning, blog readers!

So I ‘survived’ my first day back in the officeĀ yesterday by reading the last third of the novel I was busy with plus two thirds of another novel (and I don’t feel guilty about it… not really…) It looks like today is going to be pretty much the same. There isn’t much for me to do besides archiving, which I am definitely not in the mood for.

Other than that, I’ve been thinking about how quickly the year is going by. I mean, it’s the end of March already. I’m at the end of my fixed term contract at work. Soon by younger sister will be turning 21. Doesn’t it feel like we were just celebrating Christmas yesterday? Or like I got married & went to Scotland a few days ago?? I don’t think time flies by any more – I think every year, the speed increases so much that, not too long from now, we’ll be reaching warp speed or something… Perhaps I am having weird mid-twenties delusions, instead of a ‘crisis’ –Ā I sound a bit crazy even to myself!

Anyway. Next week is going to be a busy one: my parentals-in-law’s 30th wedding anniversary; Pesach; my father-in-law’s birthday; my ‘cousin’s’ birthday… oh, and my (25th) birthday, of course. On Easter Sunday. Don’t I just feel special.

So, in ‘anticipation’ of another increment (which doesn’t really matter to me anyway, nothing special,Ā but protocol dictatesĀ I at least portray an outward air of excitement), here are some gifts that a self-proclaimed cat lover would find *cue terrible pun* absolutely purrrfect.

Enjoy the pics, and happy Hump-Day!

No cats were harmed in the making of these treats

This dancing kitty would distract me from 'normal' life for hours... if I had an iPhone

Doctor Tinycat to the rescue!

I love kitties, AND tea, AND cookies - this ring is a WIN

Hypnocat says you must love the cute

If there's space for my cell phone & keys, I'll take it šŸ˜‰

These would make super wedding rings... though I don't think my Significant Other would EVER agree to wear one!

Some days you're good, some days you're evil. Show your mood with a Longcat or Tacgnol scarf. Who hasn't ever wished they could wrap their warm, soft kitty around their neck? ...even if it sounds creepy/inhumane...

Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

Face it: girls who wear glasses can be smart, sassy & cute (not sure whether I fall into any of those categories, though). Forget hipsters and their faux coolness