Kicking the habit (and taking up new ones)

21 10 2011

So yesterday (last night, actually) was interesting.

I had a particularly nasty headache. All I wanted to do was get home ASAP after work (check) and have a lie down (that’s a negative) before driving to a restaurant in Blouberg for a friend’s birthday.

Once we arrived there, my Significant Other insisted that we should each have a cocktail. I managed to make it through two-thirds of my pineapple & blueberry daiquiri before we went home (almost three hours with one drink/ beverage).

The only thing the girls seemed to be able to talk about, was gym (the closest I get to this is doing 15 minutes on our elliptical trainer every night) and dieting (said person already being thin and taking headache medication that has weight loss as a side effect)…

…so I ended up ordering a salad (lettuce, red cabbage, a few green beens and slivers of baby marrow & cucumber, about 2 or 3 halved cocktail tomatoes, and a minimal amount of chicken strips)…

…and exercising for 10 minutes when I got home.

I exercise my BRAIN by reading a lot - does that count?!

To top things off, when we parked the car in the garage, my Significant Other leaned over, kissed me (as is tradition), and told me that he wanted to tell me something upstairs. Fair enough – I though he was just going to be all cutesy and say that he loves me. But no: when we were in the apartment, he started this odd little speech about how’s he’s been thinking about something over the last few days and that he’s made a decision, et cetera – enough to make my heart start pounding with anxiety and to feel a heavy weight dropping in my stomach (ah, nausea, you sure have great timing).

And what did he end up telling me?

That he only had one cigarette left (he took it out of the packet and showed me)… and that, after that, he was going to quit smoking!!!

Apparently I didn’t look/ seem as overjoyed as I was ‘supposed’ to. I don’t have a problem with him smoking. I am glad that he made this decision for himself and will thus support him, but if he starts smoking again, so what? It won’t be the end of the world. (Though it’ll be tough when we go visit his parentals, because pretty much his entire family smokes.)

Since he’s decided to kick the habit, I think it’ll be a good idea for him (or us, actually) to start taking up a few new ones. For one thing, he can start using the elliptical trainer again. We could even get weights, and/ or do those exercises his physiotherapist gave him long ago (which he thinks is boring… so I’ll have to work out a rewards system *laugh*) It’s also a good thing that summer is coming, because that means more fruit and salads 🙂

I’m just hoping that this ‘new’ lifestyle will include plenty of sleep!!

Have a great Friday/ Fried-day, everyone.

Ah, Tuesday, my old friend…

2 08 2011

…you sure know how to keep a girl busy!

Once again I sat working through lunch time, taking up various tasks simultaneously, going hither and thither to check that things are being sorted out – and I’m surprised to find that it’s 4:30 PM.

And so, good friend, I think it’s time we dub you Productive Day…

Not that I’m not produtive on all the other days of the week (you ought to know that I always am!), but it does feel at times that other people are more responsive once they’ve gotten over their Moody, Melancholy Monday.

Now be a dear and tell Hump-Day to help guide what’s usually a rollercoaster of a week (every week) smoothly towards the weekend.

Ai haz a sad :-(

27 05 2011

Things haven’t been going so great lately.

Actually, they’ve been a bit ‘off’ since we got about midway through the honeymoon (not that the sadness/ unhappiness is related to the honeymoon or my Significant Other). Let’s just say that things got a bit out of control, people attacked and accused other people, but then everything was put onto me as if I myself had said bad/ mean things, and accordingly I have lost a friend (and, incidentally, probably the whole group of friends, since nobody has contacted me since; I’m too ‘afraid’ to contact them, because it feels like they’ll ignore me/ hate me/ completely scrap me as a friend…)

So yes, I’m feeling sad…

…because what happened wasn’t my fault…

…because I didn’t make any accusations…

…because I’m not the one who hates anybody else…

…because, because, because… :’-(

I can hardly wait to start working again next Wednesday – staying nice and busy during the day, then preparing supper and reading every evening. Life doesn’t need to be complicated, right?