Thinking my happy thoughts…

29 06 2012

…and trying not to contemplate murder.

Hint: it hasn’t really been working. And I apologize in advance for the ‘rant’.

There’s something people need to understand: if you mess with my cat, even in the smallest way, you most definitely mess with me. Thus far I’ve been controlling my emotions (and immense desire to retaliate) quite well, but I don’t know how much longer I can stand it.

*breathe* Okay, here’s the story:

Last Friday, I arrived home to find a letter from the complex’s representative stating that (1) it had been brought to their attention that there are animals in the complex; (2) it is in actual fact a pet-free complex, (3) we need to indicate who gave us permission to have our pets, providing written proof of this; (4) pets should be neutered/spayed; et cetera. This immediately put me in a foul mood since we received a notice last year February that only the three apartments listed therein had permission to own cats (thank the Gods for my obsessive-compulsive hoarding instinct that kicked in and made me keep that notice!)

If they’re going to complain about the cats (and there aren’t that many anymore, though now there are two dogs), I want to provide a counter argument complaint about the g*ddamn kiddies that live here:

(1) They run around everywhere; (2) they scream at each other while standing side by side, and it sounds like they are being murdered – I’m not sure whether to be concerned about a true injury or annoyed about the obvious attention-seeking gesture; (3) they have a blatant disregard for cars coming in and out of the gate, instead deciding that that’s a good place to hang around and then getting petulant/sulky when you ask them to move; (4) they don’t seem to have been taught that you leave other people’s pets alone and shouldn’t agitate/chase/pick them up or take them into your apartment – why do you think they run away or, in a different scenario, scratch you for grabbing at them. Sometimes animals cannot help what they do, but you as a parent are raising that child and obviously not doing the best of jobs… Trust me, I could go on and on about the little hooligans.

And I now, again*, have good reason to.

[*I say again because while we were on honeymoon they managed to let the cat out of our apartment and have my older sister in a flat spin looking for Smudgy only to hear one of the apartment doors opening and seeing her running from that direction.]

While I was reading the letter on Friday, Smudgy came to sit on the countertop. I immediately noticed that she wasn’t her usual self: she didn’t meow at me, wasn’t curious about what I was eating, wouldn’t respond when I talked to her and instead just sat there looking frightened/alert while staring at the window. I noticed that her tail was a droopy, and initially assumed she was merely feeling a bit ‘off’… until I told my mum about it on the phone a few minutes later. Her opinion? That Smudgy’s tail might be broken.

Cue mild panic attack and protective anxiety over my beloved kitty!

I could see she was in a great deal of pain, struggling to sit/lie down comfortably and sort of holding her backside in the air. Upon taking her to the vet, it was confirmed that her tail was either broken or dislocated, they he suspected (and I hoped for) the latter. I had to leave her there overnight so that she could go for x-rays the following morning. It turned out that her tail had been dislocated, but that she would be fine as long as there were no internal problems (nerve endings not working properly being the main concern). I had to closely monitor Smudgy’s sandbox habits – not being able to urinate or pass stool could mean complications and a possible operation. Defensive human mommy that I am, I worked from home on Monday just so that I could be close to her.

It seems like Smudgy was pursued by someone/something and, when she jumped into our window to escape, digging her nails in for purchase to drag herself out of harm’s way, aforementioned someone/something yanked on her tail – thus causing the dislocation. I don’t believe another cat could have done it. If it were a car, Smudgy’s tail would have been broken, not dislocated, and she knows to stay away from moving vehicles (she makes herself scarce when one starts up). The only logical thing that springs to mind is that the kiddies were (again) running up and down the stairs, playing in front of the various apartments, and then were chasing her and trying to grab onto her when she jumped inside. The school holidays started last Friday, after all, and I’ve seen them harassing cats before…

Oh, and when we were finally able to let Smudgy outside again on Tuesday, she was only gone for a short while before she leapt with great swiftness through the window again. A few seconds later, I heard the children passing by our window and running down the stairs to their respective homes, deterring me from seeing whose delinquents had been after her.

*rage rage RAGE*

Anyway: Smudgy’s tail is still a bit droopy, but other than that, the vet has confirmed that she’s fine and should make a speedy recovery. I just wish that she didn’t have to go through that pain 😦 I’ve tried not thinking about it too much. Instead, I’ve been thankful that the damage didn’t necessitate surgery and that she’s been giving me more cuddle time and affection.

Perhaps I should take up a personal mantra: Keep calm and don’t kill the kiddies… yet.

Stretching out across my lap before coming in for a cuddle

Completely contented kitty 🙂

Message Sessions IV

21 06 2012

Dear cell phone

I love you – I really do. I’m quite sentimental over you due to the fact that you were purchased while we were on honeymoon last year. However, you better get your act together. Yesterday you froze and didn’t allow me to use Opera Mini, and I had to resort to uninstalling and then reinstalling the application. Now, this morning, you don’t want to send and receive my e-mails! Just remember that you are easily replaceable…

Slightly frustrated,

Checking for a new phone


Dear guy who attended aqua aerobics for the first time last night

I’m very happy that you decided to do something about your excessive bulk and join the gym to better your lifestyle. Aqua aerobics (aka the splash class) is a fun workout that always leaves me feeling refreshed afterwards, and I hope that you’ll learn to enjoy it as well. BUT, nearly ramming into me and constantly getting in the way sort of ruined my evening, making the exercise feel useless and causing me to feel like an idiot when the instructor keeps looking over at us. One thing you should know about me: I looove contemplating murder. Just a thought.

Insincerely yours,

Stay out of my way


Dear Smudgy

Thanks for being my little fur-baby! I’m so glad that you’ve been more loving of late, although I’m not sure what’s so alluring about my post-workout scent that makes you want to cuddle up next to me, or the taste of chlorine water that you lick off of my foot/ankle…

Love & hugs,

Your human mommy


Dear Significant Other

Bzzz-bzzz-bzzzzzz. That is all 😉

Oodles of love,

Me xxx


Dear Mythbusters

Thank you for making my evenings sooo much better and greatly entertaining! Nothing goes better with my thoughts about murder, despair and all things macabre in general than watching you guys blowing stuff up. Nearly done with season 5 – three more seasons (and plenty of explosions) to go!

Keep blowing stuff  it up,

A big fan


Dear me

Get your rear in gear and work on your book review site!!!


No more excuses

Image from

Book spine poetry: Attempt 1

20 06 2012

Something for all book lovers to enjoy and engage with:

I recently discovered the ‘art’ that is book spine poetry. It is described as an “emerging form of expression” that became popular during April, aka National Book Month (not sure if it’s limited to America or not… as if you need an excuse to read books… but at least it encourages both adults & children to delve into the wonderful world of books).

What I like about this is the fact that you don’t have to create something out of nothing. You can look at the titles of books that are available to you, and use them to make something new – the authors of said titles indirectly ‘inspiring’ and aiding you in a journey of self-expression.

I know, I know, how cheesy does that sound?

Since I am an avid reader who still loves physical books (i.e. hardcopies), I find book spine poetry as another way to engage with the beloved books on my pretty-full-already shelves. It makes creation tangible – literally holding and weighing what you are about to make in your own hands. (Yes, again, super cheesy.)

That said, I’ll bite the proverbial bullet and share my first attempt at one of these poems. I took the photo at the beginning of the month already – just shows you how lazy I’ve been with posting things on my blog. (Note: the poem is a bit long. Perhaps I should opt for something shorter next time. Blame it on my enthusiasm for working with books.)

It’s such a pity that most of the books I’ve read over the last two years have been e-books – it would have been nice to have them on my actual shelves for later use. At least they’d help diversify things and add more flavour against all my prescribed books from when I was at university.

It’s not the best photo ever, so I’ll type out the actual ‘poem’ underneath it for easy reading. Next time, I think I’ll try using only Stephen King titles. Now that will be fun!

Diary of a bad year


Bleak house

Catching fire

Just after sunset


The whole truth

and the chamber of secrets

Twisted echoes



The husband

The lover

Out the door




Our tragic universe


Things fall apart

Under the dome