Message Sessions IV

21 06 2012

Dear cell phone

I love you – I really do. I’m quite sentimental over you due to the fact that you were purchased while we were on honeymoon last year. However, you better get your act together. Yesterday you froze and didn’t allow me to use Opera Mini, and I had to resort to uninstalling and then reinstalling the application. Now, this morning, you don’t want to send and receive my e-mails! Just remember that you are easily replaceable…

Slightly frustrated,

Checking for a new phone


Dear guy who attended aqua aerobics for the first time last night

I’m very happy that you decided to do something about your excessive bulk and join the gym to better your lifestyle. Aqua aerobics (aka the splash class) is a fun workout that always leaves me feeling refreshed afterwards, and I hope that you’ll learn to enjoy it as well. BUT, nearly ramming into me and constantly getting in the way sort of ruined my evening, making the exercise feel useless and causing me to feel like an idiot when the instructor keeps looking over at us. One thing you should know about me: I looove contemplating murder. Just a thought.

Insincerely yours,

Stay out of my way


Dear Smudgy

Thanks for being my little fur-baby! I’m so glad that you’ve been more loving of late, although I’m not sure what’s so alluring about my post-workout scent that makes you want to cuddle up next to me, or the taste of chlorine water that you lick off of my foot/ankle…

Love & hugs,

Your human mommy


Dear Significant Other

Bzzz-bzzz-bzzzzzz. That is all 😉

Oodles of love,

Me xxx


Dear Mythbusters

Thank you for making my evenings sooo much better and greatly entertaining! Nothing goes better with my thoughts about murder, despair and all things macabre in general than watching you guys blowing stuff up. Nearly done with season 5 – three more seasons (and plenty of explosions) to go!

Keep blowing stuff  it up,

A big fan


Dear me

Get your rear in gear and work on your book review site!!!


No more excuses

Image from

Live Love Laugh

19 06 2012

It’s been long overdue, but I can finally share a photo of the actual gift I got my Significant Other for our one year wedding anniversary.

You may remember how I made a word cloud outlining our first year of marriage, or how I stuck about forty “I love…” post-it notes on a cupboard door in the shape of a heart. To stick with the traditional paper gifts, I bought a large frame, selected some photos of us from the past year, and printed them on photo paper… which I could only do after we received the new printer nozzle tingy because the old one wasn’t working… but it all worked out in the end.

[Note: I’ll apologize in advance for  both the quality of the photo and the angle at which it was taken – it was late in the afternoon, and the corridor doesn’t get much light, so I had to use the flash on my cell phone. Better pic to follow soon!]

I know some of you may think the ‘Live Love Laugh’ thing is a bit cheesy and overused, yet I suppose it epitomizes what one can do and hope for to have a happy life. Nobody ever said life was going to be easy (cue more clichés!) All we can do is live as best we can, love and care for others (and ourselves!) and try to look on the lighter side of things, as well… Besides, my Significant Other and I laugh at ourselves a lot because we’re so silly, and that makes the frame’s sentiments even more fitting…

…that, and the fact that Smudgy doesn’t look overly impressed in the photo directly underneath the word ‘Laugh’, making me want to have a small chuckle even more 😉

Okay, enough with the seriousness and pseudo-lecturing and back to my madcap, obsessive-compulsive, cat-loving and slightly pessimistic self *mumble mumble*

Have a tremendously terrific Tuesday, everyone!

Change is a good thing… right?

4 06 2012

So what’s been going on in my life since the last time I blogged, you ask?

I’ve read eight books, done freelance work, gone for a job interview, celebrated Mother’s Day and my father’s birthday, found out I got the job, taken lots of photos of Smudgy, baked goodies for a colleague’s birthday, been to the emergency room with my Significant Other, watched a lot of Mythbusters, started using Herbalife products, gone on leave, joined a gym (or “health club”, if you want to get all fancy about it), obsessively cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom… you know, just your run-of-the-mill kind of stuff. Nothing major.

I am extremely excited about my new job as an Editor at OUPSA! At the moment it’s pretty much the same as my old Project Management position, but I am now permanently employed at such a phenomenal publishing house, thus it only seems logical to take pride in that (while, honestly, feeling a bit flattered as well).  ‘Editor’ sounds far more impressive/ fancy/ sophisticated/ important than Project Manager, right? Now it’s a whole new role for people to misunderstand! [I’ve already been asked, “oh, so you just sit and read books all day?” In schools publishing? Honestly? *sigh*]

The big change that’ll greatly affect my life is our Wellness Routine. I’m doing the shake thing in the morning for breakfast to support my Significant Other, who has to take a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then cut out carbs for supper (i.e. no bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, pizza, etc.) We had a Herbalife representative come talk to us and do an assessment nearly two weeks ago because my Significant Other generally hasn’t been feeling well. An improved diet to reactivate his metabolism plus partaking in exercise at least two to four times a week will help him to lose some of the weight he gained after he stopped smoking while also making him feel more energized.

And I, ever the good wife, have joined him in his quest for better wellness…

…which is how I ended up doing something I never thought I would: joining a gym. Tonight I get to make a fool of myself when we attend an aqua aerobics class. If I don’t die from embarrassment (in my one-piece and swimming cap), I might end up drowning myself in the pool. Not sure which one would be preferable.

Thus far things have been going great for my Significant Other. He says that, after just over a week, he already feels much better and can definitely get up easier in the morning (great relief for me, who has to struggle for 20 minutes to get Mr Grumpy-Pants out of bed, or at least awake enough to drink his coffee). I suppose I’m doing all right, as well. The only thing that bugs me is that my morning ‘shake’ – actually fat free plain yoghurt with raspberries, honey, mixed seeds and the vanilla shake powder – makes me ravenous. Not just hungry: all-out STARVING. And I am not someone who gets hungry often (if ever)!!

Another thing I’ve been wondering about is whether or not the shake powder is intensifying my headaches… it could be that or the yoghurt, since I’m not big on dairy products… I’m going to see how things go for a month, though I suspect I should just buckle down and go to the neurologist/headache clinic already. Except for the shake, my diet hasn’t really changed, which leads me to think that the increase in headache severity isn’t because of a detox effect on my body (note: I could be wrong).

At least the Wellness Routine gives me something new to be obsessive-compulsive about… except cats… and books… and cleaning… and and and 😉

Have a great week, everyone!