Gifts for a cat lover

28 03 2012

Morning, blog readers!

So I ‘survived’ my first day back in the office yesterday by reading the last third of the novel I was busy with plus two thirds of another novel (and I don’t feel guilty about it… not really…) It looks like today is going to be pretty much the same. There isn’t much for me to do besides archiving, which I am definitely not in the mood for.

Other than that, I’ve been thinking about how quickly the year is going by. I mean, it’s the end of March already. I’m at the end of my fixed term contract at work. Soon by younger sister will be turning 21. Doesn’t it feel like we were just celebrating Christmas yesterday? Or like I got married & went to Scotland a few days ago?? I don’t think time flies by any more – I think every year, the speed increases so much that, not too long from now, we’ll be reaching warp speed or something… Perhaps I am having weird mid-twenties delusions, instead of a ‘crisis’ – I sound a bit crazy even to myself!

Anyway. Next week is going to be a busy one: my parentals-in-law’s 30th wedding anniversary; Pesach; my father-in-law’s birthday; my ‘cousin’s’ birthday… oh, and my (25th) birthday, of course. On Easter Sunday. Don’t I just feel special.

So, in ‘anticipation’ of another increment (which doesn’t really matter to me anyway, nothing special, but protocol dictates I at least portray an outward air of excitement), here are some gifts that a self-proclaimed cat lover would find *cue terrible pun* absolutely purrrfect.

Enjoy the pics, and happy Hump-Day!

No cats were harmed in the making of these treats

This dancing kitty would distract me from 'normal' life for hours... if I had an iPhone

Doctor Tinycat to the rescue!

I love kitties, AND tea, AND cookies - this ring is a WIN

Hypnocat says you must love the cute

If there's space for my cell phone & keys, I'll take it 😉

These would make super wedding rings... though I don't think my Significant Other would EVER agree to wear one!

Some days you're good, some days you're evil. Show your mood with a Longcat or Tacgnol scarf. Who hasn't ever wished they could wrap their warm, soft kitty around their neck? ...even if it sounds creepy/inhumane...

Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

Face it: girls who wear glasses can be smart, sassy & cute (not sure whether I fall into any of those categories, though). Forget hipsters and their faux coolness


9 11 2011

In this glorious state of existence known as life, it is an irrefutable fact that each and every individual will suffer from bouts of stupidity from time to time.

Some individuals, however, are more susceptible than others… and cannot refrain from doing the same stupid things/ making the same (incredibly) stupid mistakes over and over again.

It is not my place to point an accusing finger (or shake my head in disappointment, for that matter) at particular repeat offenders, yet I shall make use of this occasion to express my emotions through the wonderful medium of LOLcats 🙂

Like Einstein said: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

Hope you’re all having a marvellous Whensday/ Hump-Day!

Anger Management

2 11 2011

What do people mean with ‘anger management’, anyway?

Is it about getting yourself to calm down; finding a sort of inner peace with the world and centring your chi; learning to accept that everyone gets angry but not allowing it to get the better of you?

Screw that.

I don’t want to manage my anger (it’s enough that I’m a Project Manager at work!)

I want to harness that anger, to let it stew and mould it and then tap into it when the time is right and use it as a driving force in my day-to-day life. Instead of getting an irate outburst, I want to use all my frustration and ‘hatred’ to fuel my productiveness. Sometimes the best work is done when you’re angry/ brooding…

Okay, so perhaps the above sounds like managing my anger, since I don’t let it get the better of me and cause me to make a scene. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not angry. I’ll just be channelling the anger into a more dynamic state.

I don’t get angry often. It takes a lot to get me angry/ frustrated to the point that I start ‘scaring’ people – to the point, in fact, that I post a short ranting status on Facebook, using stars to replace letters in offensive words. After all, I’m supposed to be sophisticated and proper, daaahling 😉

But perhaps we’ve all got it wrong. Perhaps ‘anger management’ isn’t about managing your anger – it’s about managing to get angry! Some people never seem to get angry, almost as if they are emotionless, so in that sense, the fact that you as an individual actually have the capacity to get angry makes you more normal, more human (if there is such a thing)… Am I making sense? Who cares; it’s Whensday/ Hump-Day, and I’m so tired that I simply cannot wait for the working week to be over.

One thing about me being incredibly angry: I tend to want to tell people how I feel about them and their behaviour (cue many ‘Oh snap’ moments), though I never do. I just get a sort of sick satisfaction thinking the things that won’t pass my lips. Some people deserve to be brought down to earth and given a proverbial b*tch-slap, yet it’s not my place to do so (no matter how tempting it is).

If I’m still angry/ get angry again by the time I go home tonight, I’ll just have to start obsessively cleaning *laugh* Though I’ll try being faux positive today. It’s the best you’re going to get out of me.

So, how do YOU deal with anger?

[NOTE: the way I deal with anger is not limited to the blog entry above… though this is how I felt after my utterly crappy, infuriatingly vexing, rage-filled Tuesday.]