Good morning, Monday

10 10 2011

Good morning, blog readers.

It’s another Monday – hurray!! *gag*

Oh, come on – it’s not so bad. I know most of you probably aren’t too fond of the sluggish get-up-and-go that accompanies the first morning of the week, what with having to go to work or school or anywhere else that is mandatory/ necessary and thus not ‘fun’… but it gets you one step closer to the weekend, so cheer up a little bit, will ‘ya? 😉

I’ll admit that I myself am not feeling all too chipper on this chilly October morning. I woke up feeling worse than usual, with a ghastly headache that has stuck with me since Friday and doesn’t seem to want to go away. Then there’s tiredness, a slight fever, and feeling sick in general. Oh, and sleep – a definite lack in quality, I-feel-rested sleep. My idea of a good night’s rest isn’t waking up in a cold sweat a few times and then being completely awake at 6 AM over the weekend.

I’m not one to take a sick day, though. The only time I won’t come to work (due to illness) is when I’m flat in bed with a migraine – unable to move without feeling nauseous, feeling like my head wants to explode and being incapable to stand even the slightest bit of daylight (even the glow from light bulbs can count as a no-no).

Let’s face it: I’m a workaholic. I cannot even not think of work or keep myself from checking my e-mails when I have a day or two off…

To all of you, I wish a very happy Monday – here’s hoping things go as smoothly as possible… and that you don’t want to kill anyone… and that you have enough coffee/ cigarettes/ painkillers to get you through the day!!

I think I just might follow Smudgy’s example and get in a few Zzz’s at my desk when it’s time for our designated lunch hour.

Another Whensday

24 08 2011

Happy Hump-Day, everyone!

Or, as I also like to call it, Whensday. Because, yes, let’s have that old joke: when’s this day ever going to end?! 😉

It’s 4:45 in the PM over here in South Africa, so my working day is almost over. Tomorrow it’s on to Meh-Day and, cue the cheering, Fried-day and the weekend!!

Eat (nope). Pray (sure, for things to be over). Love (that’s debatable).

18 08 2011

Or, in my case: Work. Work. Work Sleep. (Who needs to eat anyway?!)

I finally have time to breathe blog again. Breathing is, of course, fundamental to my very existence as a human being who needs oxygen (among other things) in order to survive and keep up a heartbeat, but you know what I mean.

I have been really busy at work… as in extremely, excruciatingly busy. It’s a good thing that I’m such an efficient, industrious and diligent slave robot worker-bee/drone person, otherwise I might not have survived.

And the hard work is just beginning!

I suppose I’d be fine with the workload (a) if I learned not to say yes when asked if I have time to ‘assist’ with something, and (b) if people were more certain about what they want and don’t give me things to do less than a day – no, half a day – before everything needs to be ready to handed over. Unfortunately (a) goes against my inbred sense of ‘duty’/ responsibility to help out where I can, even if it means taking everything upon myself, which is why I’m most likely to always say yes. I can make time. Who needs to have relaxing evenings at home? It’s a weekday and thus a workday.

Point (b) cannot be helped. You learn to live with and manage such things as they arise. That’s life. Case in point: I had a handover (two, actually) scheduled for this morning at 09:30. Yesterday at around 5PM I was still receiving info to use, which is why I spent another two hours working at home to get the job done – this after working for 9 hours straight, not taking lunch… and not having single thing to eat all day.

Like I said, who needs to eat anyway?! [I eventually ended up having a slice of toast with peanut butter *hmm* just before midnight.] [I suppose food is also fundamental to my still functioning – I must make a note of that…]

But hey, I’m happy. I have a great job. I’m praised for the work I do. I’m building up skills and knowledge with every passing minute, and I know that it will be valuable for any future working endeavours I have. Even if I get a little obsessive-compulsive, it’s still all good. It’s in my genes (not sure my family will like me saying that…)

Here’s to another Meh-day, which has been a bit quieter than the rest of the week, and hopefully to some well-deserved sleep this weekend.

Yes, I actually do love my job. Is that so mental troubling disturbed wrong?

Mind if I join you?