Friday with Business Cat (5)

29 07 2011

It’s the last Friday of July. Hard to believe that the year (and week!) has gone by so quickly…

I hope you’ve all been having a good week thus far. Mine has been pretty busy – very, very full, in fact – so I’m pretty glad that the weekend is here and that Business Cat can help us get into a feel-good mood one more time 🙂

May your workday be bearable, at the very least, and may you all have a weekend filled with rest, relaxation, and whatever else makes you happy!!

Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan…

Sleep – I need it

28 07 2011

Think you’ve been having a rough few days?

I started cooking, cleaning & entertaining people once I arrived home from work last Friday (this lasted until Sunday evening). Monday and Tuesday I had all-day training, after which I had to sit in traffic and check my work e-mails. And yesterday, I not only had a pretty full and productive day, but I also spent an hour and a half working when I got home…

…only to have the meeting/ briefing session for the task I had completed moved to a different time-slot… an hour and a half later(!!)

It’s not that I’m particularly lacking in the sleep department. Since Sunday evening, I’ve been getting into bed between 10 & 11 PM, then getting up at 6/ 7 AM. We’re talking about at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep here. Sure, I wake up a few times or decide to give up on sleep an hour before I actually have to get up, yet in general, I’ve been getting a little bit more sleep than usual.

And, yes, I’m craving more.

My strange genetics are probably screwing me over right now. Usually I’d like to blame what’s going on with me on my genes, though I seriously doubt my sleeping habits have much to do with the twisting, looping string that is my genetic coding. Ditto on the extreme headaches I’ve come to live with, since none of my family members suffer from daily headaches. A headache or migraine now and again, sure, but Every. Single. Day. (for 8 years running)?! Not likely.

Then of course there’s my messed up reproductive system, which also cannot be blamed on genetics as far as I am aware of, since my mother/ aunts/ cousins don’t suffer the same fate I do (nor did any grandmothers or great-grandmothers). I must admit, however, that it is very strange and even coincidental that all three my mother’s daughters have problems when it comes to their female bits. I’ve had traces of endometriosis removed and my ovaries have polycystic tendencies (these are but two of the problems that I am aware of); my older sister has had cysts removed twice; and my younger sister has too much testosterone and some such stuff.

I think somebody put me on my Sleep Cycle/ Mode. The clock isn’t ticking by the minutes I have left to be fertile and have children, but is rather being muffled by the metaphorical snores of my sleep-needing body.

And because of this, I feel so incredibly tired, ill and over just about everything that I would like nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep for as long as I possibly can.

This just proves to me that I should have been a cat.

Somebody find me a sunspot and a comfy pillow, stat!! ‘coz I’m getting tired of constantly feeling tired… 😦

Today is really feeling like Meh-day, all right…

Friday with Business Cat (4)

22 07 2011

It’s the third Friday of the month – another joyous occassion to spend some time wrapping up the working week with Business Cat!

Are you all excited for the weekend? Feeling good? A bit tired of work? I cannot believe how quickly the week has gone by!! It’s hard to believe that it’s already Friday…

…and by Monday, of course, we’ll all wonder where the weekend vanished to.

So have a good day at work/ university/ where ever, as far as possible, and get ready for some post-5PM relaxation (since most of us work or have classes until that unfortunate hour).

Business Cat, the floor is yours! 😉