Cat Explorer

18 10 2011

Good morning, and welcome to another Productive Day!

I’ve been at work since 07:45, since my brother-in-law’s girlfriend is now driving with us to work. It’s actually a good thing, because my Significant Other seems to get up easier, plus it gives me time to enjoy my tea and take a breather before starting the working day.

So, here for your amusement is Cat Explorer (if you’ve ever seen a cat in action, you’ll know how true this is! They always seem to be pawing something…)

Have a terrific day, dearest blog readers 🙂

Ah, Tuesday, my old friend…

2 08 2011

…you sure know how to keep a girl busy!

Once again I sat working through lunch time, taking up various tasks simultaneously, going hither and thither to check that things are being sorted out – and I’m surprised to find that it’s 4:30 PM.

And so, good friend, I think it’s time we dub you Productive Day…

Not that I’m not produtive on all the other days of the week (you ought to know that I always am!), but it does feel at times that other people are more responsive once they’ve gotten over their Moody, Melancholy Monday.

Now be a dear and tell Hump-Day to help guide what’s usually a rollercoaster of a week (every week) smoothly towards the weekend.

I <3 Simon’s Cat

23 02 2011

You’ve all heard of Simon’s Cat… right? I hope so!

If you’ve watched the videos and seen some of the pictures/ cartoon strips  that Simon Tofield has done, you’ll smile knowingly about the antics his cat gets up to, only to end up asking for food (that’s how the videos end, mostly). And if you’re a cat person, you’ll be nodding in agreement, understanding what Simon has drawn 150%

That said, I was delighted to learn that the great Master Tofield now does a Simon’s Cat strip for the Daily Mirror (this started on Monday, 21 February, so luckily we’re only three days in and you haven’t missed much). As such, I’ll be sharing today’s comic with you, since it reminds me a lot about my cat Smudgy. Not so much the ending, although it does happen at times, but the fact that she’s always very excited when it comes to food…

She meows me awake every morning before 6AM, after all.