Smudgy the cat loves… (Part 1)

5 10 2011

Smudgy really seems to take after her human mommy – she LOVES books.

Perhaps not in the same way that I love them, since kitties cannot read, but it’s the thought that counts.

Ever since she was a tiny 7-week-old fur baby, she’s been fascinated with books. Hardcover, paperback, magazines, recipe books, e-books (on my NOOK)… none of these are too good for her to have a sniff (or gnaw!) at. Probably ties in with the whole curiosity cat thing.

And, of course, she does love sleeping on my bookshelves (her being a cat and all). I’ll even admit to feeling sleep tugging at my eyelids and making them droop while immersed in my reading late at night – just shows you the kind of example I’m setting for Smudgy *laugh*

Or, perhaps, she’s the one setting the example for me…?

Either way, books play an important role in both our lives, forming part of our personalities and bringing us closer together *awww*

We might not share genes or the same species, but she’s my little fur baby, part of our little family, and I wouldn’t have her any other way…

Here are a few photos of Smudgy ‘enjoying’ some books.

Have a happy Meh-day/ Whensday, everyone!

Filling in a sudo-x-word. She was sooo tiny!!

Delving into poetry and Shakespeare at an early age

Helping me fill in a number crossword

Selecting a book she can sink her teeth into... literally!

Proud kitty protecting 'her' Stephen King collection. She's really into horror/ mystery/ suspense (i.e. all things King)

Breathing in that 'real' book smell

Immersed in the magical world of Harry Potter

Smudgy gets tired while reading "The cat who turned on and off" - seems fitting

Smudgy in one of my bookcases (bottom shelf) - she's quite partial to napping in front of Chelsea Cain & Dan Brown novels

Sleeping on the middle row of a different bookcase. She's working her way to the top 😉

Message Sessions I

7 03 2011

Dear Hypocrite

You may have deeply hurt my feelings by attacking my personality while acting caring (in your drunkenness) and telling me that the people there weren’t my friends – but I don’t think I’m the one with the problem. I was at the birthday party because I wanted to be there, not because I was doing anyone a favour. Just remember that you’re the one who said that nobody there was your friend (you even listed a few names) and then turned around to go gossip with them.


Odd one out yet proud of it


Dear Smudgy

Thank you for being so cute lately. Everyone thinks you’re gorgeous and full of personality. Plus you actually seem to love me and allow me to pick you up and hold you for more than a few seconds, which is far better than being ignored or bossed around. Just one request: could you ease up just the teensiest bit with the meowing?


Your human mommy


Dear visa office

I’m glad that the appointment this morning wasn’t as gruelling as I imagined (think big room with little furniture and a harsh interrogative style). You made things go both smoothly and quickly… So please see to it that our applications are accepted… Pretty please? I really really really want to go to Scotland – and making someone’s dream come true is the right thing to do… Right?

Fingers crossed

Castle enthusiast


Dear stress [also known as OCD]

You’re always there, no matter how subtle or obtrusive and bursting at the seams. However, you’re not doing too much damage at this point to my nervous system, and I’d like us to stay on a good footing, so could you do me a favour and keep it that way? I assure you that there’ll be plenty of time in the not-too-distant future (like directly after the honeymoon) to get me all worked up about things like finding a job, debt, and many more excruciating aspects.


Someone who wonders if she should start drinking coffee again


Dearest Significant Other

I love you. You are absolutely wonderful – we’ve been together for more than three years, and in two months’ time we’ll be married (give or take a few hours). I must warn you, though, that as it was your idea to write our own vows, something which you are now placing entirely upon me since you’re ‘not good with words’ and ‘not a writer like me’, I just might take a friend of mine’s advice and put in a vow that you have to do all the housework or something to that extent. You do realize that you’re giving me carte blanch, right? How’s this: “To have many chores to do and to hold all the household responsibilities (&blame!!)”

Just kidding,

Your adoring almost-wife ❤


Dear weight

All I ask of you is to drop with two or three (maybe four) kilograms in order for everything to be hunky dory when it comes to my wedding dress – is that so much to ask?!

Watching you,

Less nom nom nom-ing


Dear Libby and Addy

If I had a choice (and I know that I don’t and never will have one), I wouldn’t have chosen two others sisters, because out of all the girls/ women on earth, you’re the ones I’d rather be stuck in the middle with (if you catch my no-I’m-not-the-youngest-I’m-actually-the-second-out-of-three-daughters drift… what a mouthful!)





Since I’m actually a book-in-my-hand lover, kudos to you for giving me the ‘real book’ experience. Now I just need people to send me some Barnes & Noble gift cards so I can buy more books (*hint-hint*)… I don’t want to spend the money on my Significant Other’s credit card. That’d simply make me feel like I’m taking advantage of him. You’re (t)E-rrific!

Reading in earnest,

Slightly ‘converted’ book lover

B(u)y NOOK or b(u)y book

26 01 2011

You’ve all probably heard the term “by hook or by crook” at least once in your life, right? In a nutshell, aforementioned means ‘by any means necessary’ – and I find it to be quite apt when it comes to reading.

Whether or not it’s a ‘real’ book I’m holding in my hand, a PDF I’m reading on my laptop, or e-books on my NOOK (which we can call NOOKbooks), the fact of the matter is that I shall use all the resources I have and, by those means, satisfy my love for reading.

I’ll try to get in some reading “by whatever means necessary – be they fair or foul”…

…so I suppose that having the NOOK counts as my bit of ‘foul’.

After all, it isn’t sold anywhere but in the U.S., which makes me wonder if it’s even legal for me to have *cue dramatic music*

You know, a lot of people think that books aren’t necessary anymore, and that they might be phased out within the next ten to twenty years – though, I’ll admit, I hope it’s later rather than sooner… Because I still love the feel of a book in my hand; I love turning the pages, relishing the new book (or old book, even) smell, looking at my bookcases with pride as I see my collection grow.

However, this does not mean that I am a technology-phobe. I love my NOOK. When it’s lying in my handbag, all snug in its protective cover, it looks just like a journal/ day-planner. It isn’t too heavy, easy to carry about… You don’t have to worry that you’re busy hurting it’s spine or folding the pages, like with a book, plus you can have lots of books in your library and then select which one to read, giving you more options than a novel (one story, and when it’s over, will you go back and read it again immediately? Didn’t think so…).

Another nice thing about the NOOK is its user friendliness. I can lie about any which way I want, and I can prop it up against a pillow or my knee or wherever and continue reading without having to worry how I’m going to manoeuvre myself accordingly in order to enable me to turn a page. This might seem like ‘laziness’, but you try lying on your side and then having to shift every now and again to read a book. Plus, if you sit propped up on one elbow, your arm eventually gets tired.

But I’m not here to debate the pros and cons of books and e-readers in an attempt to ultimately decide which side gets my final vote. I’m still going to purchase ‘real’ books, and I’ll purchase and download e-books for my NOOK. It’s as simple as that – the best of both worlds. To quote a twitter update I read this morning: “I’m tired of thinking about e-books and the transformation of the publishing industry. I just want to read.”

And I shall… by NOOK or by book.

Wonder if this is how Smudgy feels now that I have the NOOK... not that she's ever really tried to nom my books... take them out of the bookcase, yes, but nom? Hmm...