Bee with an itch

3 11 2011

I’m still in a foul mood, though for other reasons than yesterday… or was it the day before that? No, wait, it was on Tuesday (though I wouldn’t put it past this odious state to carry through until the weekend).

Whatever the case may be, it’s Meh-day, so perhaps my disposition is merely keeping pace.

Before I came to work this morning, I noticed that a friend of mine (a witty/ funny/ sarcastic, i.e. swell, guy) tweeted the following:

“So November 3rd is both Housewife Day and International Sandwich Day. Coincidence? I think n– *is stabbed by the closest woman*”

This immediately made me think of the following picture:

To keep the proverbial good times rolling (sarcastic face), I’ve decided to share my mood with you visually. Hope you enjoy the pictures below and have an amazing splendid good moderately okay bearable Meh-day.

[PS: My older sister, Libby, says that we must be having a psychic connection or something this week, since my mood mirrors hers. Perhaps it is genetic!]

[PPS: Betty Bright brought me a budvase brimming with lavender this morning. So far it hasn’t calmed me, though I am in a state of tranquil, composed antagonism.]

The three graces [call me Joy – I dare you]

19 08 2011

This morning, while looking for photos to use in my next blog post (which I may post today, thus making two posts in one day *astonished face*), I came upon this picture and immediately wanted to caption it ‘The three graces’:

The Three Graces: Addy (youngest, in yellow), Liz (yours truly) & Libby (oldest, in black) on my wedding day

 Being interested in mythology as I am (and in this instance, we’re dealing with the Greeks/ Romans), I remembered that the Graces were three goddesses that epitomized joy, charm and beauty. While both my sisters have lots of charm and beauty, and can probably spread joy wherever they go – though whether they feel joyful at times is questionable, I think it’s genetic – I’m not exactly sure where I’d fit in.

This being the case, I decided to go use good old Google to divine which goddess/ sister was which.

It turns out that these three, from youngest to oldest, were Aglaia/ Aglaea (“Splendor” or “Radiance”, “the one who harvests”); Euphrosyne (“Mirth” or “Joy”, literally “the one who brings joy”); and Thalia (“Good Cheer” or “Flowering”, “the one who blossoms”).

And yes, incidentally, we are standing from youngest to oldest in the photo above.

If you look at the meanings further, you’ll discover that Aglaia – the youngest – was named thus for her beauty and goodness. I think that suits my younger sister.

Thalia – the oldest – was named for her continuous/ everlasting freshness… which might be suited to my older sister Libby. She may be tired at times, but she rarely allows herself to be defeated, and after a gym session she’s all guns blazing and raring to go. Of course, the Graces were also goddesses of “cheerful amusement”, which refers to “the characteristics of loveliness”, and that definitely suits Libby. “Freshness”, after all, can also refer to beauty, and both my sisters are lovely.

Although, after reading the PERCY JACKSON books and encountering their depiction of Thalia (stubborn, a go-getter, very no-nonsense), I think that suits my older sister far better!! 😉

And then there’s the middle sister, Euphrosyne. The one who brings joy. The one who’s supposed to be cheerful. Me. *exasperated look* Sure, if you like your mirth with a shot of sarcasm or silly humour (which I suppose could be seen as merriment).

That said, I think that maybe there could be a small hint of truth in that. I like making people happy/ joyful by doing special things for them, and I put in a lot of effort. I’ve become semi-‘famous’ for the hugs I give… which, maybe, isn’t so bad, though it is peculiar to be known for something like that. I just think that out of all things you could attribute to someone, ‘joy’ most likely wouldn’t be mentioned when it comes to me.

But hey, I could be wrong – if I’m able to put a smile on someone’s face, to lighten their load, to provide assistance/ listen/ help out where I can, and to bake a chocolate cake/ cookies/ cheesecake that is eagerly devoured (*nom nom nom*), then I’m definitely spreading some joy.

Just don’t bother me tomorrow morning – I could really use some sleep, and if you disturb me, I might not be all sparkly rainbows and sunshine… Or I’ll find a way to mirth you to death. Whatever that means.

Sleep – I need it

28 07 2011

Think you’ve been having a rough few days?

I started cooking, cleaning & entertaining people once I arrived home from work last Friday (this lasted until Sunday evening). Monday and Tuesday I had all-day training, after which I had to sit in traffic and check my work e-mails. And yesterday, I not only had a pretty full and productive day, but I also spent an hour and a half working when I got home…

…only to have the meeting/ briefing session for the task I had completed moved to a different time-slot… an hour and a half later(!!)

It’s not that I’m particularly lacking in the sleep department. Since Sunday evening, I’ve been getting into bed between 10 & 11 PM, then getting up at 6/ 7 AM. We’re talking about at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep here. Sure, I wake up a few times or decide to give up on sleep an hour before I actually have to get up, yet in general, I’ve been getting a little bit more sleep than usual.

And, yes, I’m craving more.

My strange genetics are probably screwing me over right now. Usually I’d like to blame what’s going on with me on my genes, though I seriously doubt my sleeping habits have much to do with the twisting, looping string that is my genetic coding. Ditto on the extreme headaches I’ve come to live with, since none of my family members suffer from daily headaches. A headache or migraine now and again, sure, but Every. Single. Day. (for 8 years running)?! Not likely.

Then of course there’s my messed up reproductive system, which also cannot be blamed on genetics as far as I am aware of, since my mother/ aunts/ cousins don’t suffer the same fate I do (nor did any grandmothers or great-grandmothers). I must admit, however, that it is very strange and even coincidental that all three my mother’s daughters have problems when it comes to their female bits. I’ve had traces of endometriosis removed and my ovaries have polycystic tendencies (these are but two of the problems that I am aware of); my older sister has had cysts removed twice; and my younger sister has too much testosterone and some such stuff.

I think somebody put me on my Sleep Cycle/ Mode. The clock isn’t ticking by the minutes I have left to be fertile and have children, but is rather being muffled by the metaphorical snores of my sleep-needing body.

And because of this, I feel so incredibly tired, ill and over just about everything that I would like nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep for as long as I possibly can.

This just proves to me that I should have been a cat.

Somebody find me a sunspot and a comfy pillow, stat!! ‘coz I’m getting tired of constantly feeling tired… 😦

Today is really feeling like Meh-day, all right…