Let’s cancel today

30 03 2012

I don’t know why I bothered getting out of bed this morning.

I woke up at 05:30, decided to stay in bed until 06:00… and then realized, hey, the power’s out! Look outside – all the streetlights and traffic lights are off, as well. At least I knew that we weren’t the only ones affected. I lighted some candles, stumbled around Smudgy (who was really affection, purring, allowing me to pick her up and carry her around while petting her), got ready for work, and then spent half an hour trying to get my Significant Other out of bed.

I arrived at work at 07:30. I couldn’t disarm the section of the building I work in because it wouldn’t accept my code (again). I had to hang around in the reception area for a few minutes until someone who has the authority to disarm and enter any section was able to do it for me. Walk into our section, switch on all the lights, get my computer up and running… And the office is a ghost town. There’s nobody else but me for the next 40 minutes.

By this time I’ve sorted out my desk, gone through e-mails, checked what I need to do for the day, and still sit wishing that I could be in bed sleeping/ reading a book – we’re having such cold, rainy weather, after all, and I love it.

Our offices are closing at 12:00 today. That’s three & a half hours from now. Just enough time to start kind-of-sort-of-maybe getting into my work, not feel in the mood to do it, keep wishing I were reading instead, and sit browsing memes until it’s time to leave. This could turn out to be a highly unproductive day (which could either make me feel extremely guilty or highly indifferent).

So yes, I think it would have been a good idea to just cancel today and skip over to the weekend – a sentiment I am sure many people will agree with.

Have an amazing Fried-day, readers! xx

Gifts for a cat lover

28 03 2012

Morning, blog readers!

So I ‘survived’ my first day back in the office yesterday by reading the last third of the novel I was busy with plus two thirds of another novel (and I don’t feel guilty about it… not really…) It looks like today is going to be pretty much the same. There isn’t much for me to do besides archiving, which I am definitely not in the mood for.

Other than that, I’ve been thinking about how quickly the year is going by. I mean, it’s the end of March already. I’m at the end of my fixed term contract at work. Soon by younger sister will be turning 21. Doesn’t it feel like we were just celebrating Christmas yesterday? Or like I got married & went to Scotland a few days ago?? I don’t think time flies by any more – I think every year, the speed increases so much that, not too long from now, we’ll be reaching warp speed or something… Perhaps I am having weird mid-twenties delusions, instead of a ‘crisis’ – I sound a bit crazy even to myself!

Anyway. Next week is going to be a busy one: my parentals-in-law’s 30th wedding anniversary; Pesach; my father-in-law’s birthday; my ‘cousin’s’ birthday… oh, and my (25th) birthday, of course. On Easter Sunday. Don’t I just feel special.

So, in ‘anticipation’ of another increment (which doesn’t really matter to me anyway, nothing special, but protocol dictates I at least portray an outward air of excitement), here are some gifts that a self-proclaimed cat lover would find *cue terrible pun* absolutely purrrfect.

Enjoy the pics, and happy Hump-Day!

No cats were harmed in the making of these treats

This dancing kitty would distract me from 'normal' life for hours... if I had an iPhone

Doctor Tinycat to the rescue!

I love kitties, AND tea, AND cookies - this ring is a WIN

Hypnocat says you must love the cute

If there's space for my cell phone & keys, I'll take it 😉

These would make super wedding rings... though I don't think my Significant Other would EVER agree to wear one!

Some days you're good, some days you're evil. Show your mood with a Longcat or Tacgnol scarf. Who hasn't ever wished they could wrap their warm, soft kitty around their neck? ...even if it sounds creepy/inhumane...

Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

Face it: girls who wear glasses can be smart, sassy & cute (not sure whether I fall into any of those categories, though). Forget hipsters and their faux coolness

Message Sessions III

27 03 2012

Dear Department of Home Affairs

You better send me my new ID soon. The fact that you misprinted my ID and never let me know about it doesn’t put you in my good books… not to mention the inconvenience of having to fill in the forms again and getting that annoying black ink all over my fingers for prints. You better not mess up again, or there’ll be hell to pay. Why can’t you just get your sh*t together?!

Fed up,

A hard-working tax payer (likely helping to pay your salary!)

– – –

Dear movie people who determined the release dates of films

I read THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy at the beginning of last year and have been eagerly anticipating the release of the first film since then. However, for some or other reason, it only starts showing in South Africa on the 13th of April!! Now I have to try and avoid reading people’s tweets, reviews, memes et cetera for the next two and a half weeks. I don’t know why the release dates for films as greatly anticipated as this one need to differ from country to country (read: for us not living in the US), but just know that you have really ticked me off. And then you wonder why so many people download pirated versions of films…


An annoyed filmgoer

– – –

Dear writers of dystopian novels

I love you. There’s no better way of putting it.

Warm regards,

An avid reader

– – –

Dear work/job

Thanks for not accumulating while I was away for the last week and a half. It’s nice to think that all the e-mails I came back to this morning were only general updates/admin and the like. Now if only we could arrange for a salary increase with the new contract I received this morning… I don’t particularly want to be jobless from the 1st of April, but I also feel all the hard work I put in is worth more than I’m getting. Don’t worry – I’m sure we’ll work something out. I think I’ll go crazy if I have to sit at home, unemployed, with nothing to do with my time… unless I start a little home bakery… or the whole book review blog idea picks up.


Obsessive-compulsive workaholic

– – –

Dear Significant Other

Thanks for the few ‘lunch dates’ while I was on leave, for helping me download books to read, for making me laugh when I felt bored/depressed/listless, for watching CONAN THE ADVENTURER with me (and enjoying it!)… and for just being you. Oh, and for reinstalling/fixing my laptop – you always know best *haha*

Oodles of love,

Me xxx

– – –

Dear Mr Awesplendmarkable

Thank you sooo much for sending me your latest novel a while ago – I read it in a day and LOVED it (I’ve told you that already but it’s worth repeating). If I were a publisher, I’d definitely snatch you up! Thanks also for being such a great friend and for letting me be one of the first people to immerse myself in (and comment on) your works of fiction. It’s much more fun than schools publishing. You ROCK!!


Your biggest fan… 😉

– – –

Dear life

Get yourself on track. I know I’ve been joking about having a mid-twenties crisis, what with the boredom and listlessness I endured while on leave, but that was probably to be expected after working hard for an extended period of time and then finding myself with no obligations and nothing to do. Let’s think about what we want to achieve in the year to come and take better care of ourselves (i.e. let the exercise regime & development of new interests begin!)

Tough love,


– – –

Dear narcissistic people

You may think you’re amazing now; you may get away with being rude and obnoxious all the time, throw tantrums to get want you want, and only contact others when you want something… This, however, will not always be the case. Just know: your day will come. That whole “do unto others” saying has been around for ages, and it holds a lot of truth. I am not someone who gets angry often, but I am really close to giving one or two people a piece of my mind. Your distorted view on the world (and everyone who isn’t as marvellous as you believe yourself to be) is going to come back to punch you hard in the face someday…

Definitely not sincerely yours,

Unimpressed & edgy

– – –

Dear coffee

Stop smelling so good. I just might give up all restraint and fall back into your aromatic (proverbial) arms… which, after 27 java-free months, likely wouldn’t be the best idea.


An ex-coffee drinker

– – –

Dear daily headaches

Stop torturing me! You just seem to be getting increasingly worse, and I deal with it, but we both know this isn’t normal.

Quit it,
