Time to celebrate

7 08 2012

So despite the fact that I’ve spent four hours of the working day in meetings and have been assisting on other people’s titles (can I help if I’m efficient & eager to help out? I like keeping busy), I’m feeling very much like this LOLcat:

And why might that be, you ask? Well, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I wrote my learners licence test this morning and passed with 100% 😀

Now there’s just the matter of buying myself a small car and (re-)learning how to drive… oh, and getting over my overwhelming FEAR of driving, of course. Really big hurdle, that. Just thinking about it causes my palms to sweat a little bit *nervous twitch* I would strongly advise you to reconsider ever getting into a vehicle with me when I’m the driver… unless you don’t place great value on your life/ mental health… or if you’re a thrill seeker who enjoys life-threatening events 😉

In all earnest, though, I’m rather excited at the prospect of being independent. When in the unfortunate situation of being caught in traffic, it’ll present me with a sort of ‘window of opportunity’ to channel any anger/frustration I may have experienced that day while also providing a ‘safe space’ where I can timeously contemplate my murders… There’s an upside to everything, right?! Perspective sure is a refreshing thing…

Friday with Business Cat (10)

13 07 2012

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!

I hope your day has been off to a good start and that the superstition bug hasn’t bitten any of you. I for one am going to seek out the little black kitty who lives in our apartment complex (not knowing his name, I’m torn between dubbing him either ‘Blackie’ or ‘Shadow’) and give him plenty of affection.

And since it is Friday and I feel you need to get a dose of some black cat feel good vibes on this the 13th, Business Cat has graciously agreed to help kick off the weekend by putting a smile on your faces. (Is it working?)

Well, there’s that, plus the fact that I’ve had some requests for more Business Cat pics – seems like his presence has been sorely missed 😉

Have a wonderful workday and weekend, everyone!

Happy 4th of July!

4 07 2012

Hullo there, blog readers

I just thought I’d take the time to wish all the Americans out there a happy Independence Day … but only because it gives me another opportunity to post a picture of a very cute kitty! *squee* 🙂

Also: a very happy birthday to Mr Jack Daniels! Here’s to a better year ahead for you.