Bee with an itch

3 11 2011

I’m still in a foul mood, though for other reasons than yesterday… or was it the day before that? No, wait, it was on Tuesday (though I wouldn’t put it past this odious state to carry through until the weekend).

Whatever the case may be, it’s Meh-day, so perhaps my disposition is merely keeping pace.

Before I came to work this morning, I noticed that a friend of mine (a witty/ funny/ sarcastic, i.e. swell, guy) tweeted the following:

“So November 3rd is both Housewife Day and International Sandwich Day. Coincidence? I think n– *is stabbed by the closest woman*”

This immediately made me think of the following picture:

To keep the proverbial good times rolling (sarcastic face), I’ve decided to share my mood with you visually. Hope you enjoy the pictures below and have an amazing splendid good moderately okay bearable Meh-day.

[PS: My older sister, Libby, says that we must be having a psychic connection or something this week, since my mood mirrors hers. Perhaps it is genetic!]

[PPS: Betty Bright brought me a budvase brimming with lavender this morning. So far it hasn’t calmed me, though I am in a state of tranquil, composed antagonism.]

Keep calm…

13 10 2011

It’s Meh-day again, everyone!

And you all know what that means: it’s one day closer to Friday (Fried-day) and the weekend – happiness all around 🙂

So amid the stress, frustration, slight panic and lacklustre wanting-to-give-up feelings you might (read: probably will) be dealing with today at work/ home/ school/ where ever, let’s all just try to keep calm and make the best of it.

Here are a few ‘Keep Calm’ posters (I grouped everything together into one image) to brighten up your day… and bring in a bit of humour/ silliness!!

I can has cheezburger – FAIL

6 10 2011

Sometimes it’s funny how things turn out.

On Thursday, 22 September (i.e. two weeks ago), I decided to spoil my Significant Other and take him out for supper – why? Perhaps to show some appreciation; maybe simply to have a nice meal away from home. I prefer the answer: just because (yeah – because I can!! *laugh*) You don’t always need a reason to do something nice for someone else 🙂

We decided to go to Cattle Baron, which is practically just around the corner from where we stay. Their stuffed mushrooms are getting ever smaller, and the waiters have a tendency to seat you directly under the air-conditioning in the smoking section (then disappear for extended periods of time), yet the conversation is enjoyable and the food usually nice.

My Significant Other ordered a steak, which looked juicy and tasted great (I’ll take his word for it). Against my better judgement, I decided to order a ‘Louisiana burger’ – that’s a beef burger with bacon and cheese. This was extraordinary in itself, since I (a) am not fond of red meat, and (b) hardly ever eat hamburgers. In short, it was a disaster waiting to happen.

The burger on my plate wasn’t much to look at. The bun looked like it had been sawed open and wasn’t very soft. The beef patty was tasteless.  They plopped a small piece of bacon on top of a smidgen of melted cheese… said cheese not even as much as one of those vacuumed packed slices you can purchase in grocery stores. The only way I was able to add some flavour to the d*mn thing was by putting some mushroom sauce on top of it (which my Significant Other ordered to go with his steak).

I shouldn’t be surprised. The place is a steakhouse, after all, not a burger joint. Yet given the usual standard of their food, I was hoping for something far more edible. Epic cheeseburger FAIL 😦

I wonder if LOLcats ever feel disappointed when, after asking for and dreaming about cheezburgers, they finally take that first bite and the cheezburger doesn’t live up to the built-up expectations.

Next time, kitties, we’ll go to Spur for their cheddarmelt burgers – then you can haz teh cheezburgers, and plenty of happeez!!

Branding on the place mats

A carafe of rosé, to share

My one and only 🙂

Stuffed mushrooms

The steak my Significant Other ordered

My Louisiana 'burger'...