When the going gets tough…

20 04 2010

…the tough: get resourceful.

Now it’s no secret that I have been down-in-the-dumps (or lower, if that is possible) due to the fact that I have been at home for six – six! – months and still haven’t found a job. My coming laparoscopy doesn’t help my prospects, either, as I will be spending quite some time in bed afterwards in order to recuperate, which, of course, includes vast amounts of pain and discomfort (an average of twee weeks thereof, according to my research). Thus, in order to stay sane and keep myself occupied, I have decided to take matters into my own hands.

I am going to start advertising my talents.

My genes have blessed me (on one of their rare occasions, I’ll add) with a knack for being creative. Naturally, I know that it is easy to be creative nowadays, what with scrapbooking kits and all that sort of stuff. Still, adding that personal touch gives one a sense of pride, and also warms those to who the end product of your efforts is presented. I remember fondly how my Significant Other’s brothers and friends respond whenever I present them with a handmade birthday card. Usually, I try to find things that compliment the person’s personality, otherwise I just try to work with pictures and colours that ‘go together’. The result never disappoints.

This is a card I made for a friend for his 23rd birthday

Last year, I wrapped my younger sister's birthday gifts in sheet music. She wants to be a singer, which is why the card also relates to music.

I had my brand name figured out a long time ago: Stardust Inc. However, after the film STARDUST was released, I realized that I would have to find a new name, as many people would believe that I simply selected the name from the film. My Significant Other had a cute idea for a brand name the other day, one which he used on the 23rd birthday card he made me: Wink-Wink Designs. It’s sort of an inside joke between us, what with the way we met and all.

I baked this cake for my Significant Other for his birthday. It didn't come out quite as I had hoped...

I’ve made collages and birthday cards; baked cookies for various occasions; dealt with activities for my older sister’s Kitchen Tea; made the table numbers and table plan for the wedding; and even made an entire scrapbook (from scratch, with photos and pictures from magazines, et cetera) for my Significant Other. I also write poems on request (usually for special occasions). Oh, and as it’s my one friend’s birthday on Friday, I have already baked a lot of bear-shaped cookies, and will be baking a cake in the shape of a bear’s head to fit the theme of her birthday party: Winnie The Pooh.

The cookies I baked for my older sister's wedding.

Kitchen Tea invitation

Table numbers for the wedding (on short notice)

That said, I want to post an ad on Gumtree to generate a bit of income – I just hope people will pay me to do what I love doing. So many people have encouraged me to use my creativity and organize events, which makes me think that it’s about time that I take their compliments and scratch my courage together to take the first step. Who knows, maybe I’ll make a success out of it, and maybe I won’t. The thing that’s really important is that I’m taking the initiative and getting resourceful. If all goes well, I could even start a website. But that is a big step that will be left until another day.

A prescription bottle filled with love quotations ❤



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