Ai can has brains? *om nom nom*

31 10 2011

Happy (or should that be miserable?) Halloween, everyone!!

I hope your cauldrons are bubbling and that spirits are high despite the fact that it’s Monday. I was at the office just before eight this morning… only to find 10 e-mails from my manager waiting for me (not to mention the 5 or 6 other e-mails). Quite a horrifying start to Halloween 😉 [Can hardly believe it’s already 2:20PM…]

We went to a Halloween party on Saturday, which means that I spent quite an amount of time baking and decorating cupcakes, plus coming up with some ‘finger food’ *maniacal laughter* I, of course, decided to dress up as a cat (didn’t turn out so ‘lame’ after all), and my Significant Other went as… a zombie!! Don’t I have the greatest ideas?

He was perfect for the role, anyway; no different than usual!!!

Here are a few pics:

The 'little monsters' cupcakes I baked for the occasion. Each one had a different face!

Like the fingers? I hacked them off myself...

Basement kitteh says: "Ai can has yor soulz?"

Yes, of course I had a tail

"Braaaiiins!" My Significant Other's 'costume' turned out REALLY well

Brains done; now for some finger food...

Have a frightful, fear-filled time!